Sunday, December 19, 2004

The Christmas Shopping Thing

This has been a unique year for "gift buying" for sure. For the past several years, gifts have not been exchanged among the adults in our extended family. My mother, with great wisdom, saw that much of the meaning of the Christmas celebration was being missed in the frenzied mall runs and frequent calls of "what does (insert name here) want/need for Christmas?" In short, she decided that her family had been blessed and their needs were met.

She was aware that others were not so fortunate as her family. Several years ago, she proposed that we donated part of our Christmas budget to help those who were in need. And a new family tradition was born.

This year, my budget has been spent in q-tips, shampoo, soap, razors and the like to several local organizations sending "care packages" to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I feel as though I have gone full circle to my childhood when gift exchanges with my sisters included those bath oil beads in an array of bright colors and cologne for my brother...all chosen with great care at my dad's pharmacy.

I will get the gift I wanted for Christmas this year. My soldier will be home for Christmas - this year. I don't expect to be as lucky next year since his "planned" deployment has already been announced by the Pentagon.

1 comment:

Kim said...

When you get online today, please be sure to check the comments on Desert Smink's latest post, there's some info there and it sounds like he needs our prayers...