Saturday, March 05, 2005

Bloggers Links

I did a bit of tracking to see who links to my blog. Interestingly, most of the inbound links seem to be from young people...some in high school and college.

Welcome and thanks - I believe that YOU play an important part in the Peace Movement. I think YOUR words are important because a lengthy war will impact your lives directly and for a very long time.

As a high school student, my life was impacted directly by another war. Friends did NOT come home. Others came home physically...but not mentally. We see some of them now, shadows of humanity, living homeless because society has no place for their shattered psyche. Their numbers could fill a large city.

And sadly, I see that some have forgotten that time and those people. And the lessons we thought we learned will be taught again. Those lessons are costly....and overwhelmingly sad.

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