Monday, August 08, 2005


Several weeks ago, the Military ordered all milbloggers that were in combat areas to "register" their blogs with their command. This was in appearant response to alleged OPSEC violations. Some bloggers, rather than registering their sites, elected instead to stop posting and/or remove their blog sites as opposed to possibly having their blogs reviewed by their command.

One such blogger was Red2Alpha who was an eloquent reporter of the events around him. I was aware that he did not intend to update his blog after the orders were written, but I did not realize that he was going to pull his blog from cyberspace. But it is gone.

Red2Alpha, much thanks for your insights...often scary and sometimes grim and gritty. Our politics and world views were different...but you gave me a glimpse into your world that was invaluable in helping me understand. May you come home soon... and safe.

I will look for other bloggers from the field. I expect that the comments will be a bit less forthcoming...and more measured than in the past. It appears that those who fight for our freedoms are a bit less free to express their experiences and beliefs.

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