Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Candlelight and Prayers

September 23 Candlelight Vigil

Demonstrators came by plane, train, automobile, bus and bike....and there were thousands. The DC police estimated the crowd at "over 100,000" for the march and rally. Over the next few days, I will post more pictures and stories from the weekend.

On Friday evening, Military Families and various Veterans groups met on the grounds of Camp Casey to pay our respects and to grieve for our young men and women who had died in the Global War on Terror. Gold Star Families shared shared stories of their loved ones lost. Prayers were offered to seek comfort for those who had lost so much...and those assembled walked from Camp Casey to The Vietnam War Memorial on the Mall to honor those who had served and died with our assembled Vets for Peace. There were about 250 people who participated - primarily from Gold Star Families for Peace, Military Families Speak Out, Vets for Peace, Iraq Vets Against the War, and Viet Nam Vets Against the War. Virtually every state in the US was represented.

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