Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The News is Not Good

For several days we have heard stories of fierce fighting in various areas of Afghanistan. Many people have lost their lives. Since I no longer know where my son is, all of the headlines make me kind of crazy.

The pundits are having a field day (from a long and safe distance) quarterbacking the news stories. Some are now on board with the fact that Afghanistan is a "failed state." Well no duh! The country has been occupied for 5 years, living conditions for many people are desperate...and not improving much. The largest cash crop produced in this agricultural country is the opium poppy and despite the talk of "spreading freedom" that comes from Washington, I am pretty sure that the average person would settle for no bombs in their country...and perhaps food to feed their family.

And so the reporters will report - using the most eye catching language possible; the politicians will thump their chests about "freedom and democracy" and the boots on the ground will surely continue to die...along with many poor Afghan civilians.

Bring Em On...huh George?

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