Sunday, December 26, 2004

Time to Study Peace

I am struck by the fact that as a society, there are many resources to study war. In a search on the internet, I found very few that study PEACE. Only one University that I found has a "minor" formal study in Peace.

In this season where we speak of Peace and Goodwill toward all people in the context of the celebration of Christmas - have we actually decided what that would mean. Can people actually achieve that goal? Do we have the capability as people to "Turn the Other Cheek" as Christ commanded even when the provocation is great? Can we as a nation that was founded on Judeo-Christian principles follow those lofty goals we have set to promote democracy in all parts of the world? Do we have the right to impose our values on all nations of the world? Or for that matter, our neighbor across the street?

There is a small but growing group of people who have suggested that the United States should withdraw from Iraq because our presence is part of the problem. Certainly we have heard the negative responses to that idea. Even those who believe that we should have never gone to war believe we have a moral obligation to "fix" what is wrong in Iraq using a military option. Certainly LEAVING would take a great leap of faith on the part of our Administration, our Military and our PEOPLE. There would almost certainly be chaos with the various factions trying to seize power. Our vision of a democratic Iraq may never come to be.

But IF we believe that God is in control and IF we believe that part of democracy lies in the ability of a state to determine its own fate is not withdrawl a viable option? Long after we leave, the people of Iraq must determine their own form of government and learn to live together in their small corner of the world. In our own history, that was not achieved in a short defined time line nor on a single election that may not even be viewed as legitimate. We are still working at getting it right.

So maybe it is time to promote the study of Peace and Conflict Resolution from the earliest grades possible across the United States. War does not seem to work in the Christian ideal of bringing Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men. War does not work for the enemy. War does not work for those killed and injured, nor does it work for their families. Maybe Peace will work.

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