Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The Downing Street Memo


Ever since the US invasion of Iraq, there have been questions about the reasons for this war. The American people were told that the war in Iraq was necessary because Saddam Hussein posed a threat because he had weapons of mass destruction and was prepared to use them against our allies...and against us. It was easy to believe after the horror of 9/11.

Sadly, it would seem that that was not the case. No WMDs have been found in Iraq. Several official reports have found no credible evidence of a meaningful link between the Al Queda group responsible for 9/11 and Hussein. Once those theories had been proven false, the administration put forth the proposal that the war in Iraq would promote freedom by removing a brutal dictator from his position of power. Where that may be true, the question must be answered if that was the job of the US.

Finger pointing has played a big part in diffusing the blame for the fact that no WMDs were found. The intelligence community was the biggest scapegoat.

In early May, a newspaper in London published the minutes of a meeting held in July 2002 - some seven months before the invasion of Iraq. That meeting involved the British Prime Minister and several high level advisors regarding possible intervention in Iraq. The memo stated that our President was committed to armed action in Iraq and made a reference to fixing intelligence to make the case.

Since that invasion, over 1,700 Americans have died in Iraq. Estimates indicate that tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens have died. Soldiers are returning physically and emotionally wounded, many seriously. Our relationships with historic allies has suffered. Military experts in the field doubt that military action is sufficient to quell the insurgency that has become ever more violent. Public support for the war is flagging with nearly 60% of those responding to recent polls describing the war in Iraq as being a mistake. Recruiting for the military has experienced a sharp decline. Commanders cite that the Army, National Guard and Reserve components are stretched to breaking.

This country needs to know if we went to war based upon "fixed" intelligence. We need to know exactly why we are there. The Downing Street memo and its supporting documents need to be discussed in our Congress...and among ourselves. And then this country needs to decide what further action is needed in Iraq based upon the truth.

The memos wil be discussed tomorrow in Washington. Hopefully they will be discussed across the nation over the next several days. War should never be entered into by fixing intelligence to fit the political agenda of a few. The cost is too dear. Right now it is 1,706....and counting.

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1 comment:

Rich in Brooklyn said...

Army Mom,

I just found your blog today, looking for bloggers who listed "Quakerism" as an interest.

It's wonderful to have people inyour position speaking up against the war. I plan to add your blog (and some of the others I see listed on your sidebar) to the sidebar of Brooklyn Quaker and I look forward to anything new you may post.

- - Rich Accetta-Evans