Friday, April 07, 2006

Camp Bring Em Home

On Sunday - after trecking all around the City of Chicago MFSO Chicago member, Marge spoke at the opening of a community display to bring to the public's attention the human cost of war. A small display was erected in the park just off of the commuter line in Highland Park. Along with North Shore Neighbors for Peace, NPR personality, Aaron Freeman and local community members, we seek to educate and inform the public on what is largely a drive-by war for much of America.

Following that, we kicked off Camp Bring Em Home on Chicago's north west side. The coalition Anti-War Majority held a week long vigil near the office of Democratic Representative Rahm Emanual because of his refusal to take a stand on ending the occupation in Iraq and bringing our sons and daughters home from Iraq.

As part of this, Coalition members posted leadership goals each day for Rep Emanual daily...and read the names of the dead - American Soldiers, Sailors and Marines as well as innocent Iraqi civilians.

As I prepared to speak, I learned of the death of a US Soldier in Afghanistan. It was a very long and agonizing day of waiting and wondering...and praying for the safety of my son even as I felt guilty because I knew that another family would be shattered with the tragic and unnecessary news. Later I had an email from my son.

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