Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Operation Dog Wash

The three dogs left by the departing Troops from my son's Forward Operating Base were in dire need of some grooming. As my son put it, "they smell worse than we do after not bathing for 3 weeks." So..a few dedicated Soldiers set out to rectify the problem, after discussing proper doggy bathing techniques over with the most knowledgable person my kid knew of -- me.

The best advice I could give was to make sure to muzzle the dogs as I was pretty sure their canine pride would be injured in the process and no accidents were needed. Operation Dog Bath went off with no injury to Canines or Soldiers.

The next day, local villagers brought a gift to the Soldiers - 2 young puppies. Smelly puppies. And so Operation Dog Wash II was intitiated.

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