Friday, June 30, 2006

Elected Officials

In the last few weeks, I have been attending political "candidate" forums. It is pretty sad, really. The war in Iraq is like the 9,000 ton elephant in the room: ever present - but no one wants to talk about it.

Last night, the incumbent representative from our Congressional district sent a young aide to read her position on issues. Until I asked the incumbant's position on Iraq, the subject was not raised. Of course, I already knew what it was - "Stay the course" and ignore...ignore...ignore.

Sadly, this is in an effort to get elected, actually standing up and taking a position reflective of the voters wishes is rather foreign to both parties. It is all about "winning" as brave young men and women are killed, horribly maimed or left with deep psychological scars that will last a lifetime.

Dirty political tricks are the soup de jour in American politics if someone dares to challenge the party politics and ask why or dares to challenge the status quo. A primary example of that can be found in the political calculation undertaken in the IL 8th district. An anti-war candidate mounted a petition drive to get on the ballot for the fall election. The Republican challenger, welcomed the candidate to the ballot because his political calculus tells him it may help him win this party financed seat. The Democratic incumbant and her party was not nearly so welcoming and possible political dirty tricks in the fine tradition of Chicagoland machine politics and the courts may decide if this grassroots campaign takes flight.

In the mean time, largely unnoticed and seemingly unimportant (except when campaigning), young men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan struggle on under nearly impossible conditions, suffer horrible wounds and are honored under the cover of darkness as they are shipped home in a body bag to shattered families.

Support the long as we win!

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